Welcome to the BCRC-Caribbean
The Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Caribbean (BCRC-Caribbean) aims to collaborate with Caribbean countries in implementing their international obligations to the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm and Minamata Conventions and other multilateral environmental treaties to sustainably manage wastes and chemicals for the protection of human health and the environment.
Regional Waste and Chemicals Projects
CLICK HERE to read about the waste and chemicals projects executed by the Centre throughout the Caribbean
International Waste and Chemicals Conventions
CLICK HERE to find out about Multilateral Waste and Chemicals Agreements acceded to by Caribbean countries
Latest Articles
Online Courses on the The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and their Management in the Caribbean
The Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Caribbean (BCRC-Caribbean) has developed a learning platform with self-paced online courses on the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic...
Demonstration of the Environmentally Sound Management of Used Mobile Phones and Computing Equipment in Trinidad and Tobago
Waste electronic and electrical equipment, (WEEE) or e-waste, describes electrical and electronic devices that are nearing the end of their useful life, with no intention of reuse. E-waste is becoming...
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Device Handover
On December 27th, 2023, the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) received an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) device from the Ministry of Planning and Development. This device was procured through...
ELVs Assessment Phase Press Release
Assessing the Management of End-of-Life Vehicles in the Caribbean The Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Caribbean (BCRC – Caribbean) recently embarked on Phase II...
Regional Standards Assessment and Validation Phase Press Release
Determining two (2) Regional Standards for Development in the Caribbean Subsequent to the launch of Output 1.4 in March 2023, The Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer...
ISLANDS Press Release: UPOPs Awareness Raising Campaign
The GEF ISLANDS Programme aims to support small islands developing states (SIDS) to enter a safe chemical development pathway through strengthening their ability to control the flow of chemicals, products,...
#InspireISLANDS Photography Competition - Here are your Winners!
The BCRC-Caribbean launched the #InspireISLANDS Photography Competition on April 3, 2023, with the theme, “The Tide Has to Turn on Plastic Waste.” This directly aligned with this year’s 50th World...
Improving the Caroni Ramsar Nature Reserve – Reducing the impact of the Beetham Landfill and surroundings in Trinidad
The project entitled “Improving the Caroni Ramsar nature Reserve – Reducing the Impact of Beetham Landfill and Surroundings in Trinidad” was executed by a consortium led by the Basel Convention...
ISLANDS Press Release
GEF ISLANDS will support Caribbean Islands to strengthen Legislative and Institutional Frameworks to manage hazardous chemicals and wastes. One of the requirements for the successful and sustainable management of hazardous...

Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services - Feasibility study for the design of a hazardous waste storage facility in Suriname
The Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Caribbean (BCRC-Caribbean) has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), toward the cost of the ISLANDS –...

Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services - Assessment and recommendations for improvement of waste stabilization ponds in Trinidad and Tobago
The Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Caribbean (BCRC-Caribbean) has received financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), toward the cost of the ISLANDS –...

Consultancy Opportunity - National Project Assistant for Belize
The Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in Small Island Developing States (ISLANDS) programme seeks to address the sound management of chemicals and waste in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing...

Job Opportunity - Project Coordinator
JOB DESCRIPTION Reports To: Director Supervises: Project Execution Officers, Project Officers, Research Officers, Junior Research Officers, Interns. Job Summary Reporting directly to the Director, the incumbent provides thorough research, scientific, technical, and...

Consultancy Opportunity - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Waste Management Expert Consultancy
The Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in Small Island Developing States (ISLANDS) Programme seeks to address the sound management of chemicals and waste in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and...