
Rotterdam Convention Overview

The Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (Rotterdam Convention) was developed in response to growing global production and trade in hazardous chemicals and the need for countries to increase capacities to monitor and control the import and use of these chemicals.

As per Article 1 of the Convention, its objective is to promote shared responsibility and cooperative efforts among Parties in the international trade of certain hazardous chemicals in order to protect human health and the environment from potential harm and to contribute to their environmentally sound use, by facilitating information exchange about their characteristics, by providing for a national decision-making process on their import and export and by disseminating these decisions to Parties.

As of February 2025, there are 166 Parties to the Convention, inclusive of 13 Caribbean countries.

Map of Caribbean Parties to the Rotterdam Convention


The scope of the Convention includes pesticides and industrial chemicals that have been banned or severely restricted for health or environmental reasons by Parties and which have been notified by Parties for inclusion in the PIC procedure (Annex III), and it promotes the exchange of information between Parties and the Secretariat.

Text of the Rotterdam Convention

The text of the Rotterdam Convention was adopted on 10 September 1998 and entered into force on 24 February 2004.

Since the adoption of the Convention, the Conference of the Parties has adopted a series of decisions to amend Annex III to the Convention to list additional chemicals and make them subject to the Prior Informed Consent Procedure.

Resource Kit

The COP has compiled information on the Rotterdam Convention to assist countries with ratification and implementation.

Country Contacts

Under Article 4 of the Convention Parties are to designate national authorities to perform administrative functions required by the Convention.