Replacing single use plastic commodities in the economy of Suriname

Since July 2021, the BCRC-Caribbean has been collaborating with the Suriname Waste Management Foundation (SUWAMA) on the project, Replacing single use plastic commodities in the economy of Suriname, which aims to assist Suriname in finding alternative solutions to deal with plastic at the source. 

This project is part of the Basel and Stockholm Conventions’ Regional Centre Small Grants Programme (SGP) on Plastic Waste, which aims to improve the management of plastic waste in partner countries and contribute to the prevention and significant reduction of marine pollution. The project is funded by Norad and is being supported by the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions and by the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment in Suriname.  

The project objectives will be accomplished through the following six (6) activities: 

  • Activity 1 – Stakeholder consultation workshops 
  • Activity 2 – Establish a baseline inventory of single use plastics (SUPs) in Suriname 
  • Activity 3 – Run a pilot project to replace SUP bags with bags made from newspaper and reusable cloth bags at stores in Paramaribo 
  • Activity 4 – Create three (3) zero-plastic high schools 
  • Activity 5 – Prepare recommendations report and implementation plan 
  • Activity 6 – Present proposed recommendations and implementation plan to decision-makers 

Since the inception of the project, work for Activities 1 – 4 has gotten underway. For more information, please check out this folder: SUWAMA Project 

The BCRC-Caribbean and SUWAMA thank local stakeholders, the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment and the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, and Norad for their support to the project thus far! We look forward to continuing to work with stakeholders and project partners for the rest of the project. 

To learn more about SUWAMA, please see their website: 


Replacing Single Use Plastic Commodities in the Economy of Suriname