National Reporting under the Stockholm Convention

National Reporting under the Stockholm Convention

The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is a Multilateral Environmental Agreement (MEA) to protect human health and the environment from Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS). POPS are hazardous due to their longevity in the environment, resulting in wide geographic distribution and bioaccumulation in living organisms. The some of the main provisions of the convention are thus to regulate the production and use of POPS, reduce or eliminate unintentional production of POPS and safely manage any stockpiles containing POPS. 

Out of the other provisions of the Convention, Article 15 relates to reporting of measures taken by parties to meet the objectives of the Stockholm Convention. To facilitate this reporting, The BCRC – Caribbean has developed a training video on national reporting under the Stockholm Convention. This video can be found on YouTube via the link below. 

Reporting Video under the Stockholm Convention